Over It

Sooo I was really good last week! Like really good. I lost 4 pounds (WOOT) and felt really great! I didn't give in to temptations, and we didn't have school so no cute 4 year olds tried to pawn off their yummy treats on me. 

This week I have been just ok. Sunday was the Super Bowl. I may or may not have had three one brownie and way too much just a little chicken buffalo dip. That might have happened.

Then Tuesday I might have gone out to dinner with Bri…maybe.

This week I am just…I am freakin’ over it!! I do not want to have to worry about what I eat and i just want to eat like I used to: with reckless abandon. I would look at ice cream and be like BRING IT THE FUCK ON. I had a dream last night that, I shit you not, I ate 7 pizzas. Pepparoni, pineapple, onions, peppers, mushrooms. And that insane garlic dipping sauce. It. Was. Glorious. 

It is just so much easier to eat unhealthy. It's also less expensive! We went to the grocery store tonight and YIKES. With all the other shit that I feel like I am constantly dealing with and worrying about, I don't want to worry about my favorite thing in the world: food and eating.

Travis and I have NOT worked out. I have signed up for a class at the community college that starts in March called Fittness Center I. HECK YES. Twice a week for an hour and a half for 8 weeks for $98? I think so. I can just go and work out. I think I may 80's it up and go in neon colored spandex and leg warmers with a high pony and sweat band. Make it interesting. I need a walk man and huge puffy head phones too. And large hood earrings. 

Oh. This is totally happening.

PS: if you haven't tried them, you should try Pop Chips! They are super yum and low on calories! It is like 23 chips for 120 calories. I am till hurting from my discovery of calories in Sunchips. It cut me deep. 

Picture below :D

So I sat down and  did some meal planning tonight. This is what we are going to make over the next week or so:

Butternut Squash and Spinach Lasagna Rolls (227 Calories) with Broccoli and Cauliflower (97 Calories) and homemade garlic bread (100 Calories).

Taco Stuff Zucchini Boats (286 Calories) with Fiesta Lime Rice (152 Calories)




Pork Chops with Dijon Herb Sauce (116 Calories) with Skinny Potato Gratin (160 Calories) and green beans!



We also plan on making some chicken noodle soup and chili to freeze for lunches, as well as more of the Slow Cooked Sweet Barbacoa Pork that we made last time that is INSANELY yummy.

So we shall be cooking fiends over the next week and a half or so. 

I also need to mass produce some Breakfast Burritos and freeze them like I used to. So yums and easy. 

I also need to clean the house, get my life together, win the "Coolest Person Ever Award", and in general kick more ass at work. 

Shit. Too much to do.


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