A bit better

So I have lost 6 of the 8 pounds I gained back that fateful weekend in Houston. I am neck and neck in second place, and will be able to slide back into first place within two weeks, because I am BALLER. yea. That's right Bri. Bring it!! (With tons-o-love)

We made the pork chops and yummy potato thing tonight. The only problem is I got back from work late and I am MEGA hungry and we still have 12 minutes and 45 seconds left until the potatoes are done. I am worried I am going to try to eat EVERYTHING. So I am drinking some water. And I have a small snack to tide me over. I just need to be sure to eat slowly.

I am finally not having to travel for the remainder of the challenge, so that should greatly help. I am starting a work out class only 4 days before the challenge ends, so I am going to need to step up the working out now so it can help me loose more weight.

So the only thing left on the list of cooking is the chili and butternut squash lasagna rolls. I need to defrost,  add water to the chicken noodle soup, then portion out servings. Right now it is in bulk and desperately needs more broth. I put too many noodles in it. Damn noodles. they always ruin everything when it comes to me making soup.

Travis has lost like 17 pounds or something. It's a good thing that he didn't pay into the challege. He would be KILLING us. He has lost 8.9% of his total weight....what.the.fuck. Don't get me wrong, super happy for him. But I am competitive and he is killing me...and his self control is about 50 billion times better than mine. So...yay for him.

Shit be crazy.

In other news, my mother gave Travis and I some pot holders. The are adorable. Someone made them for her as a wedding present when my step father and her got married.

They do look like they have balls on their face.

I'm just sayin.


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