A problem with Cheese

The past two weeks or so I have had a problem with cheese. I think about cheese every time I get hungry. When we go to Chavas, all I want is a GIANT quesadilla with cheese, onions, and peppers. In before and after care at school, there are cheese sticks. I think about them all morning work period. I have even had dreams of cheese. Rivers a cheese surrounded by forests made of cheese sticks. And squirrels and turtles made of those little round laughing cow cheese things...

All I want is to freaking eat cheese. I have wanted a cheese quesadilla for two weeks straight, and I might allow myself to have one this coming Tuesday. Bri and I have mused about splitting one. I think this shall have to happen.

So last night instead of Chavas Angela and I went over to Bri's to hang out in the hot tub. Angela works out at the Club Fitness in Colinsville everyday and she has been trying to get me to join and work out with her. Today I finally met her over there and signed up for a gym membership. I also got 4 sessions with a personal trainer! I go to my first one this coming Tuesday.

Before I went over, I headed to the store to get some workout clothes and other things. All my old work out clothes are covered in paint because it's been, oh, I don't know 8 years since I regularly worked out. So a whole bunch of stuff was on sale and I got set up! Couple pairs of pants, sports bras, t shirt, a arm band for my phone, ear buds, socks, a water bottle, and a lock for a locker at the gym.

Needless to say, I spent entirely too much money. Whoops.

So after I signed everything and put on my workout clothes, I joined a Zumba class and worked out for 30 minutes.

I only felt like I wanted to die the whole time, you know, normal things, no big deal.

I am going tomorrow as well.

The only beef I have is pretty much ALL the classes are an hour long. GUH. I would rather have a 1/2 hour long class and then some strength training.

But one of the locations close to me has spin! I want to try that! They also have yoga on Sundays. WIN.

I am pretty excited about it! It is going to be nice to work out again. I remember when I was regularly working out (just 8 years ago) I loved going to the gym. I would take the bus to campus, walk to the gym, run on the elliptical for 30 minutes, relax, then go to class. It was awesome.

So I packed up a gym bag, all ready with everything I bought (several changes of work out clothes, and even a pair of extra sneakers) that I can just keep in my car. I am boosted.

I am so excited I also thought about waking up for the 6am spin class tomorrow.

But, friends. Let's be real here. That is not going to happen.

I am going to go feed the bunny, then have cheese laden dreams.

This is my life.


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