Success Somehow

So I passed the shit out last night after I posted here on the Blog. I rolled around on the bed for a bit, then begged Travis to feed the bunny and rat for me so I didn’t have to get up because I felt SO TERRIBLE. I promised him that this would be the ONLY time I would ever ask him to do it when my illness was due to me being a dumbass. He agreed.

I promptly passed out and slept hard until about 10 this morning. I rolled around in bed some more, got up and did the ceremonious “pee before weighing in” on weigh in day. I was 221.5 pounds! I lost 2.5 pounds this week. Woot!

So I got up and started back on my tracking and eating things that don’t make me want to die repeatedly. It feels nice to have eaten well today. I don’t feel like poo.

I didn’t cook as much last week as I had thought I would. The meals I had posted did not happen on the days I had planned. We have only cooked one full meal to date. I cooked the pork today and we will make the full meal tomorrow. I am really freaking excited about it because the pork, while a bit spicy, is THE BUSSINESS. It is SO good. We have 5 servings of it in the freezer for lunches or dinner later, and then 4 servings in the fridge for tomorrow and lunches the next day. 

We also have 4 servings of the stuffed chicken int he freezer for lunches/dinner later. Then I'll make the mac and cheese on either Tuesday or Wed and try to freeze portions of that too. I really like to make large portions of things then freeze single portions. You can wake up at the last minute before work (ahem) and still have a super yumtastic lunch that you grab out of the freezer. 

I just get lots of tupperware, you know that dollar store really fancy kind, and portion it out. Then you can take making tape and put what it is along with the calories and date. Organization. BAM.

I have been thinking about the fact I need to actually start to work out. A goal of mine this week: to work out two times. Last week was only one, and it didn’t show any calories burned on MFP because it was strength training. So I will go on a good walk with some strength training afterwards two times this week. We’ll try for that. 

I am going to go roll around in bed and bother Travis. Good times. 


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