Day 1

So today I officially started a fitness challenge with my friends, and decided I wanted to blog about my experience.

I am a Montessori Elementary teacher at a small private school in St Louis. I have the best job EVER. I am in my second year of teaching and I really enjoy it! I am AMI Elementary Trained, and am working on getting my MAE in Character Education at Lindenwood University.

I am 28 years old, 5'6" and 224 pounds. I am what is often described as a thick girl. I carry a lot of weight in my thighs, hips, and butt. I remember the first time I was told I actually had a butt, and that it was a good thing. I was in the 9th grade at a school just outside of south east DC.  I was walking down the hallway and my boyfriends best friend yelled after me saying "Girl! You got a home grown ass!!!" Needless to say, I was confused.

I have come to love the fact that I am thick. I won't ever be a string bean, and nor do I want to. Being super skinny isn't bad thing, by any means. It's just that for the most part, I like the kind of body I have. Buying jeans is a giant bitch, but I like to be curvy. I just know I need to slim that shit down so it is not quite so out of control, and so I can be healthy in general. When I am at the weight I am, I start to see it in my face, arms, and waist. This is a problem to me.

I have lost weight before and was really proud of myself. I started using Weight Watchers maybe about 2 years ago. I lost 25 pounds and it was actually pretty easy. I decided to take a break from it and maintain for a while, which I did pretty successfully for quite some time. But then, slowly, I got back into my bad habits (I have a PROBLEM with candy). I tried to get back into Weight Watchers 2 or 3 times, but I just couldn't get back into that grove. I have no idea why. It was so easy for me the first time. But I just stopped trying, and now I am right back where I started.

I have decided to use My Fitness Pal (MFP) to help me get my calorie in/calorie out numbers balanced. I am also getting a FitBit (either Flex or Force) to monitor my activity. I plan on walking/jogging, and using this exercise video I really like called "Prevention Personal Trainer". I used this video back in college and I got in really good shape, and was the lightest weight I have ever been at in my adult life. I was 155 pounds.

155 pounds is my over all long term goal. That is 70 pounds. My short term goal is 10% of my current wait, which is a loss of 24 pounds. I am aiming to loose 2 pounds or so a week. I want to try to do this the right way, the healthy way.

Another goal is to run my schools 5k race this year. Next year I will win it in the women's category. The year after that, I will win it over all. Go hard or go home I guess.

Part of the reasons I am losing weight is because I am not happy with the way I look. I look overweight and I don't feel as sexy as I used to.

The bigger and more important part though is I want to get healthy. I know that as I get older, it will just become harder and harder to slide into healthy habits. I figure I am young, and it will be much easier if I build healthy habits now.

Also, I want to get healthy so aging won't be as hard on my body. I want to get into shape so my bones are healthier, and so my muscles are strong to better support my joints.  I want to get into shape so my lungs get stronger, making my asthma a bit easier to handle.

My boyfriend Travis is doing the challenge and getting into shape with me, which I am really excited about. It is so much easier when the person you live with is on board. We won't keep as much crap in the house and if I am having a hard day and am wanting to just say fuck it and eat an entire pizza and gallon of ice cream, he will wrestle me to the ground before I can do it.

I am happy we are doing this together because we can form healthy habits as a couple that will be strong by the time we have children. I want us to set good, healthy examples for our future rugrats. I want us both to take pride in being healthy, and to put health at the forefront of our lifestyle.

So, here we go. I plan to put all my shit out there. I plan to be me, as who I am, in the writing of this blog. So here is all my specs:

Age: 28
Height: 5ft 6in
Weight: 224lbs
Short Term Goal: 24 lbs
Long Term Goal: 70 lbs

Waist: 35 in
Hips: 47 in
Thighs: 29 in
Arms: 15 in
Bust: 42 in

And here is me, day 1:


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