
Been out of the blogging janks for a couple days. I can't decide if they were an ok couple days...or a bad couple days (on the eating front)...which probably means they were bad lol. I am pretty quick to say when they are good.

The weekends have killed me since the challenge started. Week days are super easy. You get up, eat a quick breakfast, have a good lunch and dinner, and it is pretty easy to fend off mega cravings when you run around like a crazy person at work. I don't have the time to even recognize a craving I would need to fend off when it comes to food at work. All of my energy is involuntarily spent either on adoring my children or forcing my self to smile. I'd say the split is 75% adoring, 25% forcing a smile and taking deep, inward breathes.Too bad deep breathing doesn't help you burn calories.

I went to Dave and Busters on Friday. I had three shots of rum (in mixed drinks, not straight. I am a pansy), a Caesar salad (do not be fooled, this was a Caesar salad with parmesan encrusted chicken: aka fried chicken-worth 1025 calories), a pretzel appetizer (prob worth like 75 billion calories) and a banana fosters pie dessert (probably worth 89 gazillion calories). It was epically yumtastic, but ohhhhhhh so many calories, fats, and sugars.

So that happened.

Saturday I woke up and needed to make chili for a chili cook off at Travis's club's thing. I did that and ate a whole bunch, it was crazy yummy. I also for whatever reason decided randomly I was going to make bread for the first time. It didn't cook all the way through because the pans were too big, but the part that DID cook was insanely yummy. And I ate a lot of it.

Then I went to Travis's club's thing and ate some candy...and more chili...and had a beer.

Soooo that happened. Shit sticks.

At first this past week I had lost 3 pounds. After the crazy weekend though, it was only a pound. So I am down to 220 even, with a little improvement on my inches:

arms: 15
Bust 41 (was 42...not sure I like that)
Thigh: 29
hips: 45 (was 47)
Waist: 33 (was 35)
Butt: 51...didn't measure this last time. Will watch it now.

Baby steps people. Baby Steps.

This weekend is super bowl weekend....I worry about this weekend...must come up with plan to not eat all the good things in sight. I feel like I need to choose: eating a bit more or drinking alcohol. Will probably eat. But am undecided.

In other news, I did not work out last week, not once. Big ball of suck on that front.

I need to meet my stupid goals. I should tell Travis about them. That will help.

There. I just told him. Now it will happen.


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