
Ok so. I have decided to go back to Weight Watchers, but not really go back to weight watchers, because I would rather not spend $20 a month on a system that is out there kind of, for the most part, for free. Sure, I'll have to track things using paper and pencil (THE HORROR) and not have an app to help me (THE AGONY) but I think I am freaking manage.

So I have had 7 points for breakfast, out of 34 for my day. I think I should have 34 at least. I am guessing.

I like weight watchers because it has those extra 35 points that you can use throughout the week (aka Beers on Tuesday, a Yum Yum Sugary thing here and there.....or extra Cheese) which should help me from snapping and strangling the person nearest to me. Also shame purse candy. That should cut that down.

So I'm doin it.

I haven't been working out. I have been going to class, which kicks my ASS and is amazing. I have realized that I do need to work on my upper body strength, as well as core, and flexibility. So I think I am going to focus on that kind of thing rather than cardio right now. Because let's face it, cardio is the DEVIL. It can seem like your friend at first, but then its boring tendrils wrap around you and threaten to steal what little sanity you have left after managing 26 children all day.

Maybe I will become friends with it again at some point, like I was last year (that shit was awesome last year.) But for now, we aren't talking.

I got my wedding dress two days ago in the mail! I so badly want to put it on, but cannot by myself. My tailor is out on vacation, so I can't take it in to get an estimate on the alterations I want to do. I am hoping it won't be more than $200.

I am really happy about one thing: I didn't feel any dread when the dress arrived. I didn't feel bad about myself, or have any anxiety about my weight loss or how I am going to look in it. I mean, since it has come, I have glared at my arms a couple times, threatening them to get in line with the program of slimming down or else, but that is all.

I have a goal of weight loss for the wedding that sounds high to most people (35-40 pounds) but that is because I have so much to loose. Seriously people, in the end I would love to and should loose 80 pounds. That would get me to 150. I would be so much healthier, mostly because I would be being active and eating right, and I would feel better about myself: both in the way I look, and in the fact that I have actually taken measures to take care of myself so I don't burn out that twitchy pancreas. 

I have decided to name my pancreas. I will ponder about names, and get back to you. 


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