I just typed a long thing and it got fucking erased. Too angry to post today. Tmorrow.
Spring Break: Not Going to Relapse Damn It!!!
This week is my schools spring break. I often have mixed feelings about long breaks. On one hand, I am SO freaking happy to get a break from the stressful part of my job. But then on the other hand, I miss my kids. I got a Rainbow Loom with my little sister this weekend and have made some pretty cool bracelets, and the first thing I thought was "Ooo!!! I can show the kids on Monday!!!!!......oh wait. Never mind." The other issue is that I do NOT want to eat everything in sight. Namely, I don't want to be chillin and then all the sudden (just like I did 5 minutes ago) want to binge on candy. Like Blowpops of Mini Eggs. At least Easter will be over soon. The mini eggs will go away soon...I am fighting that "Just go get one more bag before they go away for a year again..." BLAH. So far today I have made good food choices. Need to keep it up. I also need to be sure that I work out this week. I need to go to the gym today as well. I have been actually using...
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