Major Hiatus

So I typed out this long post the other day, and it got deleted. I have been feeling antiposty recently. I feel like I haven't had much to say about it, and haven't been feeling witty. But I am hopefully back now.

So the fitness challenge ends in 1 week. Next Sunday is the final weight in day. Bri and I are neck and neck for first place. It is down the the wire so I need to kick some ass this week. And I know I can do it. No cookie is worth $250. I rocked it OUT today, as well as on Sunday. but let's be real, I am totally still going to text Bri my weight every week. I shall challenge her and anyone else with monthly things, and prizes shall be favors...or something.

There are these yummy sweet swirly things that remind me a cigars at work that are mocking me....what are the called...Pirouette Wafers. As seen here. They are by the coffee. I glare at them every time I walk by. And every time I glare, I am thinking BRING IT ON BRI. Yea. Don't get any funny ideas lady!!

So I have met with my personal trainer twice now. I go to meet with him again tomorrow. Last time the workout was AWESOME, but then I couldn't move for 3 days. So when I see him tomorrow, I am going to need to tell him we need to tone it down a bit. I have to be able to move around at work. I sat in my chair and would beg children to go get things for me.

I am also pretty sure I pulled something in my butt. Uncool. My butt is sacred. No bad things can happen to my butt. It is like a Cow in India.

It's serious.

I am pretty excited about the results the challenge has produced! I have lose almost 12 pounds! Pretty bitchin'. It got me to get started on watching what I eat again, AND it got me to start working out after an 8 year hiatus and period of sheer laze.

In other news, I am still obsessed with Cheese. Cheese is so important to me at this juncture that it is now a proper noun, rendering it necessary to capitalize. You're on notice people, for this new rule to the English language.


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