January Goal Week 4: Only Buying Things I Need

So here we are in the last two days of this month’s Goal: the no more buying things I don’t need goal. 

I have to say, I have been a big fan of this goal. It’s really slowed me down, and I have had fun taking my time picking out what I’d like to buy. Gives me time to really look around at options and research more about my choices. It also makes ordering things much more exciting. I feel like before I’d be like “I want this!” all month and want as aware of what I was spending or getting.

I think I may keep this going, just alter it a bit. I’m going to wait to buy the things I don’t need until the end of the month. That way I have to keep going slow. I don’t need to get my wanted things right away. AND if I just do one order of desired items a month, I’ll be more aware of how much I am spending on things for hobbies and fun.

So this shall continue. 

Be on the look out for next month’s goal! Will be posting an announcement about it Monday! 


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