January Week 3: Stop Buying Stuff Update

Soooooo I missed last week’s update—my bad. We had a crazy weekend and then every time I thought about writing an entry, something exploded and I’d get distracted. 

So here we are at the completion of week three of only buying things I need goal. And I’ve got to say, I’ve actually really enjoyed the challenge. 

I have absolutely had to stop myself from buying things over the last two weeks and sometimes, it's been hard. Someone would talk about a product and I’d want it and then have to stop myself from buying it. 

Sometimes I’d be like “Sweet!! You are a productive and strong person for stopping yourself from making that unnecessary purchase!” 

Other times I’d say “Mother effer, why did you make this god forsaken goal—give me my freaking Treat Yo’ Self mug and fancy hot coco mix—TAKE MY MONEY FOOLS!!!!”

Then I’d get strange looks from my boss or whoever was around and they’d pretend to not know me. 

The cool thing that has happened is this: There have been many things brought up in conversation or that I have seen that made me think “oooooo I want that!” But as the days have passed, I have, for the most part, forgotten what they are. I take this to mean I really didn’t need or probably really want those things in the first place. 

However, the things I DO remember many days or weeks later are the things I should actually consider allowing myself to buy. These include an anti static spray for my hair, a face mask support, a couple nail products*, and this type of lotion I really like.  Ok so there are TWO types of lotion I want.....one I’d use throughout the day, one I’d use once a day before bed. Both do amazing things for my winter dried and cracked hands. 

*Just because I have wanted these nails products for weeks does NOT mean I should actually buy them....well not all of them. I should keep being careful to really limit myself when purchasing nail products, because nail care is a hobby I get super carried away with because I LOVE color so much. Let's be real, it's not just color, I love all things nails. 

I also realized there are times that I find a reason I need more of an essential product (let’s say underwear) when I don’t actually need THAT MUCH of a certain necessity. Ex. I do not need 35 pairs of underwear. Maybe 14-16 pairs? I mean I dunno. How many pairs do other people have?? 

These weeks, at the very least, have stopped my quick draw reaction to buying things. I see if I just slow the hell down, I can actually end up with well thought out purchases and have products and things that actually benefit me. 

So, since my last post, things bought: 

A double stroller
Another pair of shoes for Em because they ones I got her were a size too big (guh)

And that’s it. Not too shabby! 

Just because it is fun and I am trying to stop myself, these are the things currently in my amazon cart that I am not allowing myself to purchase at the moment. Staying strong!!


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