The Dolphin Book: Chapter 5

Hello Dear Friends!

Full disclosure, I left out over half of the "as they kissed" and "They kept kissing" and "He started to kiss her again" because that shit was starting to make me crazy. I am trying not to change anything. But sometimes that shit is hard. And if I am this annoyed typing it, l I am sure it would be equally annoying to read.


We continue on with our tale of insanity and pubescent obsession.

The Dolphin Book
Chapter 5

It was Justine’s last day at her hotel room, so she had to go home. Bruce drove her to the airport and waited with her (those crazy days before 9/11 when you could sit with someone at the gate to wait!)

“I’m gonna miss you.” Justine said.

“I’m going to miss you too.” Brice said, as he kissed and hugged her. They sat together in the airport, talking about her home and what it was like.

“It sounds wonderful. I want to come.” Bruce said, holding her hand.

“Oh that would be wonderful! Yes, come with me!” she said sitting up straight.

“Really?” he said, excitedly.

“Really! Come with me!” Justine said, standing up.

“Alright.” He said, standing up and walking over to buy a ticket. 

“But I don’t have any clothes with me.” He said.

“That’s ok.” Justine said, smiling big. Bruce at her with wide eyes, brows up, and had a half smile.

“Really?” He said, laughing.

“I’m just joking! You can borrow some of my brothers clothes.”  Justine said, laughing.

“Does your brother live with you? Won’t he be wearing them?” Bruce asked.

“Um. No he’s uh…he’s dead.” She said, looking down.

“Oh.” Bruce took her hand, “I’m sorry.”  He voice was quiet and concerned.

“It’s fine. You can just borrow some of his.” She got over it pretty fast.

“Are you sure they’ll fit?” he asked.

“Yea they will fit. Believe me, I have studied your body, carefully, many times.” She said with a sly smile.


He smiled and kissed her. “I love you.” He whispered into her ear.

“I love you too.” She whispered back.

They boarded the plane when it arrived. It took 12 hours (I have no idea where I thought they were going, because it does NOT take 12 hours to fly from coast to coast.)   but they spelt and talked the whole time.

When they landed, they picked up their stuff and walked to the car. And it was a nice car at that. It was an army green BMW with nice soft seats that you could sink into. It was a smaller car. It was a two doors.

Justine unlocked it and Bruce put Justine’s stuff into the back. He sat down and sank into the seat.

“Wow! These are really comfortable.” He said, surprised.

“I know. That’s why I got this one instead of the purple one.”

They drove for about two hours. They arrived home about 3pm.  Justine looked over and saw Bruce asleep.

“Wake up sweetie. We are here.” Bruce turned his head away from her. “Bruce. Wake up.” She said. It didn’t work, he didn’t wake up. She leaned over and kissed him lightly. He still didn’t wake up. Then she French kissed him (WTF) and he still didn’t wake up. Then, she got annoyed and pounded on the horn.

“Bruce!!” she yelled as she held down the horn. Bruce shot up.

“Ahh!” Bruce yelled.

“Geez. It’s about time. I kissed you twice and you didn’t wake up!” she said, laughing. They had pulled over on the side of the road so she could wake him up.

“Well,” he said sneakily, “I didn’t know you kissed me, so how about you do it again.” She leaned over and kissed him. “I love you,” he said, and before she knew it, she was in his arms. She felt giddy and excited.

“Bruce?” she said, stopping kissing him.


She leaned over and whispered 5 words into his ear. He looked at her. He gazed into her eyes. He felt warm and loved. She kissed him again, and they started on their way again.  (………..)

They came to a dirt road drive way. They went on it for 30 seconds (strangely precise, esp with the lack of description thus far in this book.) and stopped. Finally the dust cleared and he saw a huge lawn. At the bottom was a horse stable, and the top a large cabin. Off to the side was a small pond. It has a bench swing and a small dock. He stepped out of the car and smelled the fresh air.

He looked back up at the house and saw a black and white sheep dog fly out of the dog door. It barked and howled as it ran, and jumped into Justine’s arms.

“Seth!” she yelled. “Hey sweetie! How are you?? I missed you so much!” The dog licked her face and wagged his tail.

Then he stopped, and looked over at Bruce. He jumped down from Justine and walked over to Bruce and sniffed his hand. He looked back at Justine.

“It’s ok boy. He’s my friend!” Justine said to the cautious dog.  Seth sniffed Bruce again, and then licked his hand. Bruce knelt down and stroked Seth’s had. Seth licked Bruce’s nose, and ran into the yard to frolic and jump around.

“Come on. Let’s go up to the house.” Justine said. They got their luggage and started up the hill. 

When they reached the door, Justine unlocked it and walked in.

(Ok, two things here:

One, why didn’t the pull the car up to the house? I mean I know that this property has in NO WAY been adequately described…but I know it in my head and the drive way goes all the way up to the house.

Two: who in the flying hell has been watching the dog and these supposed horses????)

It was a nice house. It had a big kitchen and a real big fireplace in the TV room. (Priorities-on point.)

They walked up to the bedroom upstairs and she put her suitcase on the bed.

“Where am I going to sleep?” Bruce asked, smiling and hinting he wanted it to be with her.

“Well…you could sleep in the…guest room. But….” She looked at him and they smiled at each other. (Why is this a question?...) Bruce walked over to her and put his hands on her hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Well…I was thinking….” She said as she looked into his eyes, “That you could stay-“

“Stay here with you?” he finished for her, smiling.

“Yea. Something like that.” She said smiling and kissing him.  Bruce pulled her close and Seth started to bark. Justine started to laugh as Bruce swept her off her feet and ran with her down to the TV room with Seth barking close behind.

He dropped her on the couch and laid down beside her. They looked at each other and smiled. She kissed him, and climbed on top of him.

“Bruce?” she asked, between kisses.

“Yes?” he answered.

“Nevermind.” She said, smiling, knowing that it would drive him crazy.

“Nevermind?” be said, turning over on top of her. “What do you mean nevermind?” he said kissing her again.

“I’ll ask you tonight.” She said. She smiled at him and they continued kissing.

Justine felt a burning sensation inside her as he kissed her (Bitch, go to the Dr.) She never thought she would kiss him or touch his face. She never thought she would have been able to feel him hold her in his arms. She was in love with this great man, she knew it. There was no other explanation for how she felt.

She flipped over on top of him.

“Bruce?” she said, stopping the kissing.

“Yes?” he said, kissing her one more time.

“Are you hungry?”

“Well…” he said hesitantly.

“Are you hungry?” she asked again, tickling his stomach. He started to laugh.

“Yes!” he gasped, and started to tickle her all over. She started to scream and fell off him onto the ground. They both laughed until they could barely breath.

“As I was saying, yes, I am hungry.” He stood, took her by the hands and pulled her up into a hug.

“So what do you want?” she asked.

“You.” He said with a smile.

“You know what I mean. Food. We have tomato soup, chicken noodle, vegetable and clam chowder.” (Why all the soup???)

“Uhmm…tomato!” He said happily.  He kissed her, picked her up, put her over his shoulder, and walked into the kitchen.

They made lunch and after eating, Justine’s unpacked then went through some of her brothers clothes for Bruce. Later, they went to town and ate out. They didn’t get home until 11:00pm!

When they got back, Justine walked them down to the horse stable.

“Wow!” Bruce said. “I’ve been riding horses for 4 years and have never met one that was so nice!”  He said in awe.

“You ride horses?” she asked, surprised.

“Yea. My friend made me do it.” He said. 

 “You want to try Janie?” she asked him, pointing to the tall, brown horse.

“Really? Sure!” he said.  Justine was going to ride Joe. They tacked up the horses and climbed on. They began to walk the horses up towards the house.

“Hey Bruce?” Justine said in a challenging voice. “You want to race to the bottom of the yard?”

“You’re on!” he said excitedly.

“OK! Ready, set go!” They flew down the yard. Justine felt the wind against her face.

Justine got ahead of him, but Joe’s shoe flew off Joe began to fall, and right before she fell too, Bruce caught her and pulled her onto his horse. Bruce took her over to the pond and he got down. He picked her up off the horse and carried her over to the swing bench. He laid her down on it and sat on the ground next to her.

“Are you ok?” he asked her quietly but worried like. (yaaassss best words.)

“Yea, I’m fine. Thanks to you.” She looked up at the dark sky. “They are beautiful aren’t they?” she asked him.

“What?” he asked.

“The stars.” She said gazing up at them. Bruce looked up as well.

“Wow. They are. I don’t see them that often, living in the city and all.” He said. He looked at the water. The moon was shining on it. Then he looked at her.

“But, they aren’t as beautiful as you.” (gaaaaag) He said, taking her hand. His voice was soft and sweet. He gazed into her eyes.

She looked at him and touched his face. She leaned forward and kissed him. She lowered herself down the ground so she was next to him.  Then she was on top of him.



“I’m going to ask you that question now.” She said.

“What is it?”

“Will you make love to me?”  he looked at her and  they both smiled. Justine kissed him.  He rolled on top of her, and she unbuttoned her shirt, and threw it onto the deck. They laid there together, on the dock. The horses ran wild all night , and all night they were on the dock, under the stars and bright moon.

Now, here is my thing. She is asking him in a nervous and suspenseful way about getting it on. It is so strange and awkward-I know I shouldn't be surprised by the awkwardness. But she is asking him like it is the first time. THEY ALREADY SLEPT TOGETHER in the 3rd chapter. 

So that shit doesn’t make any damn sense.

But, I feel like I need to add some backstory about this house and property. This is based on my late stepmothers (Alison) cabin out in West Virginia. It is out in the middle of NO WHERE in the mountains and is beautiful. It belongs to my little brother now. 

It had a long, HUGE, sloping, front yard (like soccer field long) with a cabin on top of the hill. On the east side there was a pond with a swing and dock where we would catch salamanders and tab poles. There weren’t any horses. The cabin in real life was really simple, nothing fancy. Perfectly comfortable. The Drive way wrapped around the bottom of the yard and up the west side all the way to the house. There was a great deck with a  fire ring off to the side. 

The property was completely surround by woods with huge fantastic trees. It is one of my favorite places in the whole world.

Love you Al. I'll miss you forever. <3


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