The Dolphin Book: Chapter 3

Ok so I went to sit down to type this out, and it is actually chapter 3, and 5...the writing just skipped form 3 to 5.  I must have just not paid attention to what chapter I was on when I was writing all those moons ago. SO I just combine chapters, because that shit was super short. I checked, and according to the originally text, I just stopped making chapters. So I will just break things up where they logically make sense.

Which is hard to do. Because this shit is crazy.

Here we go. It continues to be mind bogglingly ridiculous. You are welcome.

Chapter 3 

The next morning when Justine woke up, she still had her arms around Bruce, and her head was still on his chest. She raised her head quickly. It didn’t feel right. She struggled to remember what had happened last night. Then she remembered. Gone with the Wind and popcorn. And root beer.

She went down stairs to get some breakfast.

Ten minutes after she left, Bruce woke up. He looked around. No one was there. He decided to jump in the shower.

When Justine got back, she heard the shower going.

“Bruce?” she yelled

“Yea? I’m in the shower!” he yelled back.

“Oh ok. I brought back some breakfast.” She said.

“Oh good! I’ll be right out!”

He came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. As he came out, he saw the bagels, coffee, juice, cereal, and fruit.

“My my my! What a breakfast!” He said. When Justine looked up at him, she practically choked. Actually, she was choking.

“Oh my god!” Bruce yelled and ran over and did the heimlich remover. Once they finally got it out, she continued to cough.

“Breathe. Breathe.” He said. He bent to her height and put his hands on her cheeks. “Are you ok?” he said softly and caringly.

Still in his towel, he gave her a hug. “Are you ok?” he said again, with his hands back on her cheeks.

“Yes, I’m ok.” She whimpered.

“Oh God you scared me!” he said. “I thought you were really…well I’m glad you are ok.” He said with a soft and friendly voice.

“Ah gosh, I’m fin-“ and before she could finish, Bruce gave her a kiss.

At first she started to kiss him back, but then she thought for a second. She pulled away and said,

“Why did you do that?” she asked.

“I thought you wanted me to.” Bruce said.

“Well I didn’t want to be kissed right then, ok?” she said firmly.

“Ok. I’m…I’m sorry.” He said with guilt.

(Now I read that part and was like WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON??? Then I started to think about it, and I think I was trying to rip off the scene from The 5th Element were Bruce’s character kissed Lilu and she is all pissed and he’s like ‘Whoops’. But I obviously did it terribly. Continuing on…)

“Well.” Bruce said. “I am going to get dressed.”

“Me too.” Justine said (how is she not dressed already?)

“You can get dressed in the bathroom and I’ll get dressed out here.” Bruce said.

“Ok.” Justine stepped into the bathroom. She put on a nice long dress, just a plain light blue one. She fixed her hair and brushed her teeth.

Bruce put on a nice shirt, some kakis, and a tie. (Where the hell are these clothes coming from??)

“Are you done?” she asked.

“Yea,” he said back.

She stepped out and they both looked at each other. Both hide wide eyes.

“You look good.” They said at the same time. They smiled at each other. All that had happened before was forgotten.

“So, what do you want to do?” Bruce asked.

“I dunno. What do you want to do?” Justine said.

“You pick first.”

“No you.”

“I asked you first.” He said.

“Ok fine. What other clothes do you have with you?”

“None” he said.

“Ok good. Where’s the nearest mall?”

Fifteen minutes later, they were at a mall. Not sure what mall, but a mall.

“Ok Bruce. What size do you wear in pants?” she asked.

“Size 30. Why?”

“Ok. Let’s go to the jeans. Now…30…30…Ah! Here we go!” she picked out the wide legs, baggy. (OZMGGGGG)

“Hold this will you?” Justine asked.

“Sure.” He said.

She found him a plain t-shirt and told him to try everything on.

Fortunately the dressing rooms were right by the women’s department.

“What do you think?” He asked her. Justine turned around.

“You look great!”

“Thanks!” Bruce said.

“Are you going to get it?” Justine asked.

“Yea! It’s comfy.” He said.

“Well good. I’m gonna try something on. I’ll be right back.”

“Ok,” He said with a smile.

Bruce was waiting outside the waiting rooms.

“What do you think?” Bruce turned around. His eyes widened. She was wearing a long lavender dress with a bow in the back.

“You…” he staggered forward. “You look absolutely beautiful! You look great!” He walked over and gave her a hug (weird). Still in each others arms she looked at him. They were about to kiss but then she stopped.

“I’m going…to get changed.”

“Ok.” And at that, they were out of each other’s arms.

She came out of the dressing room.

“Well?” Bruce said.

“Well what?” She asked.

“Are you going to get it?”

“Yea, I guess.”

“You guess?” He asked. “You looked beautiful.

“Thanks! Yea, I’ll get it.”

They got their stuff and left the mall. They went to a deli down the street and had a picnic in the nearby park.

They were laying down on a blanket looking at the clouds, just plain old talking. They had a really good lunch, after that they took a walk. She was wearing her dress, but he didn’t change into his new clothes, because he wanted to look “nice.” They kept talking and flirting all day.

When night came, he took her to her hotel room.

“Thanks for the wonderful day.” Justine said.

“You’re welcome. You look really pretty in your dress.” Bruce said.

“Thanks.” Justine gave his a hug, then she slid up and started to kiss him. He kissed her back. They stood there outside her door, passionately kissing. Justine started to open the door, and pulled him in by his tie, and they were still kissing, and she closed the door.


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