The Dolphin Book: Chapter 1

I went to a professional development conference a couple weeks ago and it was all about writing in the classroom. It was a fantastic conference and I learned TONS. (Strangely, it was the same conference I wrote about just over a year ago in my last big post on this blog. I go every year. It was strange to read that after writing this.)

The presenter asked at one point for us to write a reflection about the important things we have written about, and when we first became a writer. My important things were as follows:

1) My Montessori Albums
2) My Journals (22 journals filled through out high school)
3) My music
4) The Dolphin Book

What the fuck is The Dolphin Book you ask?

Let me take you back to 1998 when the move Armageddon came out. I was 12 years old and head over heals in love and obsessed with Bruce Willis. I had pictures of him on my ceiling above my water bed. I took pictures OF THOSE PICTURES with my 35mm camera, and got them developed.

Guys. I had a problem.

So one day, with the support of one of my best friends, I began to write a pubescent love story between my adult self and Bruce Willis. It was called The Dolphin Book. It was an epic tale of love, tragedy, and sheer ridiculousness.

Why was it called The Dolphin Book? Because I hand wrote it in a journal with dolphins on the cover.

And I still freaking have it.

I took it out after this conference and began to read it. The end result was me crying with laughter in my bed while my dogs and cats looked at me like I was a crazy person, and me texting some of my best friends some of the prized lines.

So. Without further ado, I give you a chapter (or so....sometimes I didn't even separate out chapters....) of The Dolphin Book weekly until it is all out there.

Prepare yourselves friends. Prepare. Your. Selves.

The Dolphin Book

Chapter 1

“Riiiiiing!” the hotel phone yelled. It continued to ring.
“Ok!” Justine yelled. It continued.

“Yes. Good. Yes. I’m coming!” she yelled, walking out of the bathroom in a towel.

“What?!” she said annoyed.

“Justine! You have to come to the Planet tonight!” the voice said excitedly. It was Justine’s sister and she was a manager of a Planet Hollywood.

“What? Why?” Justine said irritated.

“Bruce Willis is coming! Tonight there is to be an auction of the ladies! He could bid on you! You could meet him and all that wonderful stuff!” she said excitedly.

“Really?? Great! Reserve a seat for me and what time should I be there?” Justine asked standing up.

“Uummm, 9:00pm!” she said happily.

“Ok! Bye!” Justine said excitedly. She got all her crap together, like her camera and all the other crap! She went shopping for a new outfit. She got jeans and a t-shirt.

She did all this stuff all day and finally she got ready. She put on the stuff and put her long golden hair up in a ponytail. She stood in front of the mirror. She was a tall and slender woman with long dirty blond hair and brown eyes.

She got a cab to the Planet Hollywood and went to see her sister.

“He’s coming in 5 minutes!!” her sister Meghan yelled. There was a lot of confusion inside.

“Your reserved table is right over there.” Meghan yelled and pointed to the table.

“Ok! Thanks Meg!” Justine yelled and she walked away.

She went outside to scream with the other fans. There was already a huge crowd. She looked at his face and started practically throwing people out of the way to get up to the front. She got all the way up there and at the top of her lungs yelled “Bruce!!!!”

Right as he started to turn to look at her, this other guy came up to her and said “What do you think you are-“ and before he could finish Bruce turned around and saw her. Right when he saw her, she punched the guy right in the jaw and as he fell, she looked over and saw Bruce staring at her with wide eyes. She smiled and waved and he started to smile and laugh. 

Then she got her camera and he posed for her and smiled. She smiled right back. He winked and waved. He walked inside and everyone left. She had gotten a reserved seat so she walked in and found her seat. 


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