
Showing posts from 2016

The Dolphin Book: Chapter 6

After typing this chapter, which is FULL of ripped off lines and nuances from Bruce Willis movies, I decided to try to figure out which movie(s) I stole them from. I didn’t have to go digging far-at all. I had a feeling it was from my 2 nd favorite Bruce movie, the EVER so fantastic comedy action flick, Hudson Hawk , a little gem made in 1991. It ultimately ended up flopping in the box office. I LOVED this movie, and Bruce was SMOKIN’ in it. I had to have watched it at least 15 times as a preteen. The action, the jokes, the singing, and adorable Bruce kept me coming back for more.  And how could blame me, with shots like this… Those sun glasses though...   Or this one.  WTF are those socks and shoes????   Or this one. There are no words.   Or this.  Look at those twitchy fuckers.   Or clips as fantastic as this. Your head against my head! Fair fight! There are also classic lines such as “How’s ...

The Dolphin Book: Chapter 5

Hello Dear Friends! Full disclosure, I left out over half of the "as they kissed" and "They kept kissing" and "He started to kiss her again" because that shit was starting to make me crazy. I am trying not to change anything. But sometimes that shit is hard. And if I am this annoyed typing it, l I am sure it would be equally annoying to read. Anyways. We continue on with our tale of insanity and pubescent obsession. The Dolphin Book Chapter 5 It was Justine’s last day at her hotel room, so she had to go home. Bruce drove her to the airport and waited with her ( those crazy days before 9/11 when you could sit with someone at the gate to wait!) “I’m gonna miss you.” Justine said. “I’m going to miss you too.” Brice said, as he kissed and hugged her. They sat together in the airport, talking about her home and what it was like. “It sounds wonderful. I want to come.” Bruce said, holding her hand. “Oh that would be wonderful! Yes, c...

The Dolphin Book: Chapter 4

Ok Friends. So I decided to take some pictures of the actual Dolphin Book for you viewing pleasure. They are below. Then you can read the next riveting installment of the Dolphin Book, Chapter 4.  So this is the front of the book, then inside cover.      Some of the handwritten story... Then the back inside cover. PLEASE NOTE: the pictures are pictures I took of pictures of Bruce Willis that hung on ceiling. Did you get that? Reread that shit if need be. Because it's insane.  Then this is the back cover Some random pictures of things I was obsessed with at the time.  A glimpse into a pubescent, man and sex crazed Justine world. You. Are. Welcome.  Chapter 4 The light that   shined through the curtain crack shined on the two lovers that were laying in the bed. The room was a mess. All ( yes, it was underlined in the handwritten version ) of their clothes were laying on the ground and the comforter h...